How to delete your account or information

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Below you will find the process you’ll need to use if you are looking to delete your account with What’s My Account Balance Developed by Reed’s Coding And Publishing LLC. If you have any questions, reach out to

What data do we use?

Personal Info

Email: This is used with Firebase Authentication to Authenticate your account.

User ID’s: Your User ID is created with Firebase Authentication and also stored in Firebase Firestore.

Financial Info

Purchase History: You input your transaction information into the app. This information is stored with Firebase Firestore.

App Activity

Other user-generated content: When you add accounts or save transactions to an account, or save anything else to the database, that information is stored with Firebase Firestore.

App Info and Performance

Crash Logs: If there are any crashes with the app, then Firebase Crashlytics will send over the crash logs for me to review and be able to correct the issue faster.

Diagnostics: Diagnostic information is collected and saved in order to bring you updated performance enhancments.

Device or other ID’s

Device or other ID’s: Your devide ID is used to aid in fraud prevention. Your Firebase installation ID is used in Authenticating requests. Your Advertising Identifier is used with the Advertisements.

Retention Info

Firebase Authentication is a service to authenticate the user and keep your information safer.

The way the app is set up, you create an account with your email/password combo. This is to safeguard your information associated with your account. This is your main account with Whats My Account Balance.

Retention: Firebase Authentication keeps logged IP addresses for a few weeks. It retains other authentication information until the Firebase customer initiates deletion of the associated user, after which data is removed from live and backup systems within 180 days.

Each user creates their transaction list account, each list contains the transaction information for that transaction account. This is user submitted data.

Retention: User submitted data will be deleted once you set your account for deletion.

Firebase Crashlytics is a service from Firebase, this helps streamline fixing app crashes to provide a better experience for you and any devices you may use the app with.

Retention: Firebase Crashlytics keeps crash stack traces, extracted minidump data, and associated identifiers (including Crashlytics Installation UUIDs and Firebase installation IDs) for 90 days before starting the process of removing it from live and backup systems.

Cloud Functions for Firebase is used in some sections of the app. Your IP address is used with this.

Retention: Cloud functions only saves IP addresses temporarily, to provide the service.

Google Admob is the advertising service used in the app. Data collected includes: Age, App Store, App Version, Country, Device Brand, Device Category, Device Model, First Open Time, Gender, Interests, Language, OS Version, New/Established.

The Google Mobile Ads SDK collects and shares the following data types automatically for advertising, analytics, and fraud prevention purposes.

DataBy default, the Google Mobile Ads SDK…
IP addressCollects device’s IP address, which may be used to estimate the general location of a device.
User product interactionsCollects user product interactions and interaction information, including app launch, taps, and video views.
Diagnostic informationCollects information related to the performance of your app and the SDK, including crash logs, app launch time, hang rate, and energy usage.
Device and Account identifiersCollects Android advertising (ad) IDapp set ID, and, if applicable, other identifiers related to signed-in accounts on the device.

Retention: Unspecified. Contact us at in order for us to reach out and get your informaton deleted.

Delete full Whats My Account Balance Account

What info is and isn’t deleted?

Firebase Authentication information will be deleted when you delete your account. Except for what is retained up to 180 days, then it is removed.

Firebase Firestore information will be deleted when you delete your account.

Firebase Crashlytics informating will be deleted after a minimum of 90 days.

Firebase Cloud Function information will be deleted after a minimum of 90 days.

Admob information will be retained by them and not be deleted. If you wih to have your information removed, Contact us at

Delete From Mobile App

You’ll need to be logged in, but from the home screen click on the gear icon towards the bottom of the screen.

Then click on “Delete Account & All Info.

Now click on Yes.

Now fill out the Username/Password in order to reverify your login credentials before you can delete the account. Then click on “Delete Account.

After you’re login credentials are verified your account will begin the deletion process. Once complete, you’ll be redirected to the Login screen with a message that informs you that the account was deleted.

Delete Account Via Web

If you would rather delete your account via the web, simply go here and input your login information. Once you click Login the account will then start the deletion process. Once the deletion process has completed you’ll be redirected to the home page.


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